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Saturday, 15 October 2011

Working 3G AIRTEL HSDPA trick via RAPTORVPN.

Now use 3G airtel HSDPA  (internet) for pc   with RAPTORVPN .
Before going to trick use APN :  and connect it.
Then use trick  !!!!!!!!
Lets see trick

1. Go and register at  . and verify your account via your email (ex: gmail , ymail).
2. Raptorvpn file - DOWNLOAD (zip file)

3. Open downloaded file and double click on two pc symbols.
4. It will minimize to system tray . Right click on it you will see  GLOBE 1 and 2.
5. Click on connect using globe 1 or 2.
6. It will connect within 2 minutes.

It is connected.

7. Now open GOOGLE.

If you have any doubts .. feel free to post a comment here.
This trick is tested by me.


  1. when i try to dwnld it dissconnects after every 1-2 minute ,browsing is ok ,bt dwnldg gets the disscnnction prob
